Monday, March 26, 2012

Psychological Thrillers.

You know what would be totally cliché? Writing about the differences about The Hunger Games and Battle Royale. Especially since THG the movie came out recently.

Today's topic of the day? Psychological Thrillers. I'm talking about thrillers like The Hunger Games, or Battle Royale. Or Sandman(FUCK YEA), or hell, anything that effectively dealt with certain elements of psychology as part of its story.

I'm frankly not much of a Psychology guy. I love delving with the many facets of the Human psyche. Hell, I admit that it can be both scary, yet interesting to read about Psychology. About certain philosophies in life.

We have stuff like Bokurano and Madoka

Make a contract with meeeee
The two series dealt with first deconstructing their respective genres. Bokurano's not a mecha anime? AHAHAHAHA. It is.
Then, they MINDFUCK YOU with images and story so revetting and interesting that you keep watching and get totally totally absorbed into it.

I'm only talking about Animanga at the moment. With stuff like Lord of the Flies and Battle Royale and (to me) Norwegian Wood and WATCHMEN, they take commonly taught morals, ideas and notions of Loyalty, Love, Truth, Lies, Heroism, Alturism and absolutely, and TOTALLY upturn them onto their heads.
We have Lord of the Flies and Battle Royale dealing with setting youths against each other in a desperate attempt of survival.
We have Norwegian Wood explaining that Life, Death and Love isn't all as cracked up as it seems, as we observe the protagonists fall in and out of love.
We have Watchmen, a brilliant bit of art that absolutely overturns the ideas of a 'superhero' saving the day, and makes you really FUCKING SYMPATHISE and EMPATHISE with the worst hero EVER in Rorscharch.

And Doc Manhattan's blue wang. Don't forget the Mental Scarring of Doc Manhattan.
It's literature like these that are usually the most controversial yet most fun to read.

Check them out!


Side note? Fuck off the Watchmen Prequels. >_>

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