Thursday, April 19, 2012

Pokémon TCG, Magic and why I betrayed my own people. xD

A few of you have been aware that I've started playing Magic the Gathering, correct?

WHY!? Why have you betrayed us, Ry? Why have you betrayed the Pokemon TCG?



This is the prerelease picture of the upcoming expansion set, Avacyn Restored.

The story behind Magic the Gathering is really deep, and I really love the themes that are prevalent in most of the sets.
Yeah, shut up, morons. When was the last time the Pokemon TCG pursued a separate story that isn't already in the Video Games?

Thought so.

See, the way Magic works, is that every year, they release 3/4 sets that are part of a "block".
Like in the Ravnica block in 2008ish, it had Ravnica, Guildpact and Dissension.
then in the current 2011/2012 block, it's Innistrad, Dark Assension and now, Avacyn Restored.

Magic the Gathering is a brilliant cardgame in that sense. The story is optional, but with it, a lot of cards just make SENSE.

The writing is brilliant, the strategy is genius, and having brilliant developers behind it like Mark Rosewater, makes me feel good.

NOW, back to Pokemon TCG, how many playstyles are there? 2.
Aggro and Durant.

Pokemon focuses on pulling out your Pokemon fast, and hit the opponent before they can counteract. In Magic, we call such a playstyle, "aggro."

I guess that's why I've stopped Pokemon TCG for the moment. It's not the fault of the Community(Trust me, I really love you guys, Team Robo/Magma/Rocket! It's not your fault. It's the game's fault. It bores me...)

Ry out~


  1. Meh, I play A game of Thrones Card game. Next week tournament wanna come see?

  2. Enjoy yourself in magic :) I can identify with the lack of playstyle in the TCG atm... there really is no point pursuing a hobby unless one truly enjoys it in its entirety :) im sure if you ever wanna play the tcg you just gotta pop by any of our gatherings and someone will lend you a deck... paiseh my beginner box series got put on hold kekeke XD though that is put up as my next deadline so... oh well. :P

  3. @Bue52: YMMV, Game of Thrones...I actually am NOT MUCH of a fan.

    @Manfred: Thanks for popping by man! Like I said, Pokémon just feels too simple for me at this point of time. I'm impressed as a gamer, because of the Durant Decks made in early BW. It shows that they're slowly trying to adapt the game. Introduction of the Lost Zone was interesting, and showed that TPC is slowly making the game better...

    IT's just...hard to change something like PKMN TCG lor.

    You take care! :)
